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Post General Ledger Journal Batches (SAF-1916C)

Step-by-step Guideline

  1. Click on the Finance option on the Main Menu.

  2. Then click the General Ledger menu item on the drop down menu.

  3. Then click G/L Batch.

The system will open a screen titled "Maintain G/L Batch." This screen displays all the batches that exist in the General Ledger that match the search criteria you have entered.

The information that is displayed in the grid can be used to select, sort and organise information about the General Ledger batches.

A. The system displays the number of the Batch in the G/L Batch column. This information is useful for auditing purposes.

B. The system displays a description of the Batch. This description is created by combining the Accounting Period and the Type of Transaction in the Batch. This helps you to easily identify a batch containing a specific type of transaction.

C. The system displays the Transaction Type Code that relates to the transactions included in the batch in the Transaction Type Code. This helps you to quickly identify and select any specific group of Transactions you wish to import.

D. You might for example decide that you want to import and review all invoices from suppliers. You would then select the POINV or Purchase Order Invoice transaction row.

E. The name of each Transaction Type is displayed in the Transaction Type Name field.

F. The system indicates whether the Batch was created from Sub-Ledger transactions or if it was Manually created in the General Ledger.

G. The system displays a "Ready to Post Status" in the Ready to Post column.

If the "Ready to Post Status" is Yes, then all the journals contained within the batch balance and contain the information required to be posted.

If the "Ready to Post Status" is No, then either the underlying journals are missing information or they do not balance. You will need to open each batch that has a "Ready to Post Status" of "No", identify the journals that are problematic and then delete them from the batch. You will then need to fix the underlying cause of the error and re-import the transaction that have been deleted for not balancing.

H. The system will display that Status of the batch in the Status column. This will either be "Open" or "Posted."

If the batch status is "Open" then the batch has not yet been posted. If the Batch is a Manual Batch then you can change any of the underlying journals or add new ones. If the batch is a batch that has been created by importing transactions from a subledger, then you will not be able to add journals, nor change existing journals but you will be able to delete selected journals.

If the batch status is "Posted" then the batch is no longer open and has been posted. You cannot add, delete or modify the journals in a posted batch.

I. The Total Financial Value of all the Transactions in the batch (Inclusive of Tax Amount where Tax is applicable) is displayed in the Batch Total column. You can use this to compare the Total Value that will be created in the General Ledger Batch for the Accounting Period to a list of the Transaction on which the Batch has been created. In our example above, you could print a list of all the Purchase Order Invoices captured in the system for the selected period and compare the total on the printed list to the total on the Maintain Sub-Ledger Import screen.

J. The system displays the number of transactions that are included in the Batch in the No of Journals column.

K. The system displays information that is useful for auditing purposes in the Audit Band. This includes the name of the user who created the batch, the date on which the batch was created. If the batch has been posted, the system displays the name of the user who posted the batch and the date on which the batch was posted. You can use this information to monitor and track the source of the journal batches and identify any user with whom you need to resolve mistakes.

Using The Quick Filter

You can any of the columns to analyse, filter, group and select the transaction types with which you wish to work. Use the Quick Search features that built into the Column Headings on every list screen to quickly select the rows you need.

  1. If you click on the right hand side of most column headings on a list screen you will notice the system displays a small black arrow head. If you click on this button the system will display all of the unique values in the list screen.

This is known as the Quick Filter List. You can click on most column headings to quickly filter the information listed in the worksheet.

Ensure The Journals in the GL Batches You Wish To Post Are Correct

You can only post batches in the General Ledger that contain all the necessary information and where the total of the debit values match the total of the credit values in each journal.

In procedure "Review Imported Batches and Journals" you will have identified which batches contain journals that were not ready to be posted and then in procedure "GEL-009 -- Resolve Errors with GL Batches and Journals" identified the cause of each of the problems, resolved them and then re-imported the transactions into the General Ledger.

At this stage then, there should be no GL Batches or Journals that are not ready to post. However, you can proceed to post GL Batches that are ready to post and leave any that are not to be resolved after posting those that are.

When posting batches in the General Ledger you are usually trying to finalise the transactions for a specific Accounting Period. So the first step you should take is to filter the list to show only those batches for the Accounting Period on which you are focused.

You can use the Quick Filter to do this.

  1. In the Period Information band, click the Quick Filter arrow in the Accounting Period column. Then click on the Accounting Period on which you wish to focus.

The system will then reduce the records displayed in the grid to show only those batches that match the Accounting Period you have selected.

  1. Next, you should sort the batches into those that are Ready to Post and those that are not. To do this, click the Ready to Post Column. The system will sort the batches into those that are Not Ready to Post and then those that are Ready to Post.

  2. Click on the row that contains the next GL Batch you wish to Post.

The system will Post the batch you have selected and change the Status from "Open" to "Posted" and also change the Ready to Post to blank.

  1. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each GL Batch that you wish to Post.

Once you Post a Batch you cannot change any information in the batch. There is an Administrator utility called the GL Posted Batch Delete function that will allow you to Delete a Posted Batch. This function will delete all the journals in a specified batch that has been posted and will recalculate all the balances in the General Ledger.

G/L Posted Batch Delete function

This function should be used very rarely and only in specific circumstances.
Ask you Administrator if you think you need to delete a Posted GL Batch.

  1. Once you have completed posting the GL Batches you wish to post, click on the Close button to close the Maintain G/L Batch screen.

The system will close the screen and return you to the main screen in the program.

This is the end of the procedure.